Benjamin had just moved to Toledo when he saw a Books4buddies poster with pictures of a diverse group of teen young men, many who looked like him, promoting literacy. These young men attended public and private high schools.
He was eager to get involved and immediately reached out to inquire how he could become a GLOBAL Books4buddies AMBASSADOR. Benjamin found signing up was easy by simply completing the ‘criteria’ form posted on the Books4buddies website.
Books4buddies collaborates with American Cultural Exchange Services (ACES) and is believed to be the only program of its kind ‘in the world. The AMBASSADORS live in the USA as well as Africa, Asia and Europe.
The virus impacts everyone and thereby has limited several interactive events.
However, Benjamin met several Ambassadors at a Meet and Greet; Josh from Nairobi; JaDen Jefferson and Ian English, MVCDS. Christopher Smith, Lead MENtor explained the program and tee shirts passed out.
A few weeks later 2-4 p.m.,on a Sunday afternoon at the main library downtown, Ben was among a dozen of ‘GLOBAL’ Ambassadors who exchanged Information on education, service, cultural beliefs, norms, social media, etc. The librarian invited them to enjoy challenging each other playing games using the TV monitors loaded w/countless games. The conversation continued in the cafeteria as they enjoyed pizza.
Benjamin attended an event a few weeks later. It gave him an opportunity to see, in real-time, community service. He interacted with kids and books and schools supplies were ‘gifted’ to kids in a socially-economically community.
Benjamin strongly believes helping others brings satisfaction, joy and is purpose-driven. It is mutually gratifying knowing the recipients’ need is met and is appreciated. ‘That’s what community service is all about,’ says Benjamin.